
DynamoDB Table Design Principles - One-To-Many Relationships in NoSQL


In Relational Database we used to have single Entity per Table, build relationships between them and assign constrains like Foreign Keys. In NoSQL DynamoDB world this became an Antipattern, many engineers follow same concept introducing multiple DynamoDB Table per each Entity type. Also in NoSQL DynamoDB world there are no JOIN operations and this is a BIG challenge when switching the mindset from RDBMS.

There are several technics to design 1-to-many relation in the DynamoDB, in this post we will take a deep dive view on the following patterns:

  • Embedded Collections
  • Single Table

Target DynamoDB Table Structure


NoSQL DynamoDB Table Structure is generated using MultiCloud Diagrams Framework

Entity-Relationship-Diagram EDR

  USERS ||--o{ USER_ADDRESS: has
  USERS ||--o{ ORDERS: creates
  ORDERS ||--o{ ORDER_ITEMS: has
    string username
    string full_name
    string email
    string date_of_birth
    string created_at
    string username
    string street_address
    string postal_code
    string state
    int country_code
    string username
    string order_id
    string user_address
    string created_at
    uuid item_id
    string order_id
    string product_name
    int price
    string status
    int quality

Define Access Patterns

Once Entities are defined we need to define Access Pattern. Usually they are defined according to UI navigation components or other backend systems that are accessing our storage level.

IDAccess Pattern
A1Get user profile
A2Get orders for user
A3Get single order and order items
A4Get orders for user by status
A5Get open orders

Table design

Define the Core Entity in the Relationships

There are 4 Entities in our EDR, we need to choose Core Entity - User is the best candidate.

Design your primary keys & secondary indexes

  • Compound Key consists of PK and SK naming, should be standardized, because we will store multiple different entities in the same table so accessed keys should follow same naming convention
  • Because a table stores not only a single entity type - we will add prefix with Entity type USER#ID to PK and #PROFILE#id to SK

  • This prevents from a possible collision of same ID repeatable in different entities.


Entity Chart


One-To-Many relationships mapping

User-to-Addresses RelationShip

Technic #1: Using Embedded Collections

users -> user_address

Since there are no access patterns to fetch user by Address, or fetch the Address directly,

Number of single user addresses is bounded (it is a small number).

We can denormalize the Addresses and inject them into every User Item as a dedicated attribute of Collection (Map or List).


Denormalize Data and put into a document as Embedded Collection

Entity Chart

IDAccess PatternAccess BYKey Condition
A1Get user profileusernamePK = USER#alex AND BEGINS_WITH(SK, ‘PROFILE’)”

User-to-Orders RelationShip

Technic #2: Single Table for Entities

users -> orders is district from previous example

Non-bounded number of Orders for a User

To distinguish Orders we populate compound key with ORDER#orderid for SK and USER#userid for PK

Entity Chart


Now different Entity types will have different attributes.

Also, Users & Orders - have same PK they will be within the same partition in the storage.




IDAccess PatternAccess BYKey Condition
A1Get user profileusernamePK = USER#alex AND BEGINS_WITH(SK, ‘PROFILE’)”
A2Get orders for userBY usernamePK = USER#alex AND BEGINS_WITH(SK, ‘ORDER#’)”
A3Get single order and order itemsGSI: orderidSK = ORDER#orderid

Order-to-OrderItems RelationShip

orders -> order_items

We can not reuse same technic because Orders are already a one part of other relationship to users.

Now we will introduce PK ITEM#itemid and SK ORDER#orderid

Entity Chart

Order ItemITEM#itemidORDER#orderid

items_to_pk.png Important note that SK is the same for Order and OrderItems

Technic #3: Use Inverted Index

For composite Key we will flip PK and SK and introduce the GSI, creating the inverted index.

inverted index.png

Query the Index

"SK = ORDER#orderid" - will return the ORDER Entity and all ORDER ITEMS - this is analogue of JOIN SQL operation on FK ORDERID.

IDAccess PatternAccess BYKey Condition
A1Get user profileusernamePK = USER#alex AND BEGINS_WITH(SK, ‘PROFILE’)”
A2Get orders for userBY usernamePK = USER#alex AND BEGINS_WITH(SK, ‘ORDER#’)”
A3Get single order and order itemsGSI: orderidSK = ORDER#orderid

We will complete last 2 Access Patterns in next Post, when will review in details Filter Expressions in DynamoDB.

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